Marcio Alexandre Pereira da SILVA, Valeria Cesário TIMES, André Magno Costa de ARAÚJO, Paulo Caetano SILVA


Reusability is an essential attribute in a software lifecycle, as it improves the usefulness of applications and reduces maintenance and development costs. However, legacy health applications use software architecture models that hinder the reusability of its components. This paper proposes the Health Software Modelling Language (HSML), which enables the ModelDriven Development (MDD) of healthcare software using acknowledged health standards and a reusable software architecture. Five metamodels and constructors are specified to build the HSML. A modelling tool is built, which allows software developers to model Health Information Systems. After that, the model is transformed into computer codes. To validate the solution presented herein, a legacy health application was redesigned using the HSML tool in the real-life scenario of a Brazilian healthcare institution. As a result, HSML increases the reusability of the healthcare software and allows the migration of legacy healthcare software to a new software whose environment offers more reusability.

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